
Fraternities and Rape on Campus!

    In the article Fraternities and Rape on Campus by Patricia Yancey Martin and Robert Hummer there research discusses how the organization and membership of fraternities contribute to violence and coercive sex with women. Why would these men engage in these criminal activities? Why do they encourage the sexual coercion of women ? Reading this article did not come as a surprise to me because these stories are not unknown there just not talked about it usually gets brushed under the rug.
   Martin and Hummer conduct their research based on the alleged group rape of a young woman at Florida State University. The rape involved four fraternity men and an 18 year old coed. The rape took place in the fraternity house and ended with the "dumping " of the woman in the hallway of a neighboring fraternity house. How low can an individual or individuals be to leave a innocent raped victim in a hallway for everyone to see ? According to the newspaper articles her alcohol level was .349, she had scratches and bruises and what got me the most upset was a fraternity symbol had been written on her thighs!!! Not only have these men raped this young woman they ate proud of it making there mark.No shame no remorse. In the end since fraternity members decide not to help with the investigation this led to a five year ban of fraternity.
     The main thing that fraternities are concerned with is masculinity. Macho is the main term these men in these fraternities live by . If you are seen as a wimp or even gay you have no chance in getting in a fraternity. Alcohol is one of the main go getter for fraternities. If your a none drinker don't even think about getting in.
Violence is another tactic used by fraternities . They emphasis on toughness, humiliation, and pain. Between the use of alcohol and this violence approach these fraternities use these weapons to prey on women like animals.
     You want some "Hunch Punch" ? Ladies say no if your ever offered. Hunch punch is a drink made at these fraternity parties to get women very intoxicated beyond there norm. This hunch punch consist of ovenproof alcohol and kool aid. The women are not aware of what is in this hunch punch they have no control over their own actions its literally being controlled by these animals. A fraternity senior stated " there are girls that you know will f, then some you have to put some effort into it...you have to buy them drinks or fine out of she's drunk enough ".It"s like a game to these fraternity men a sick twisted game.
      Through all of this disgusting behavior their main motto is to stick together and never rat each other out. These rape episodes are most likely to never be reported by anyone in a fraternity it would be breaking the code. I don't think this cycle of fraternity secrecy will ever stop not to say all fraternities are engaging in these behaviors but alot of them are and are continuously getting away with it. Do you believe that if fraternities goals, structures , and practices change in fundamental ways women will stop being the prey for fraternity men ?? Or no matter what fraternities will always prey on women?


  1. Honestly, fraternities should be on the way out in my opinion. It is a big club house of bullies that hide behind the facade of brotherhood. I do not think that violence and brotherhood should go hand in hand. In order to even get into these boys clubs you have to be humiliated or injured in some way. If from day one all these people want to do is embarrass you or pressure you to harm yourself or other people, what would make you think that they care about your well being at all or anyone else’s? What would make you think, ‘oh yeah, I want these guys as my friends’? I can understand the effects of peer pressure but at some point we each take responsibility for our own actions. It is absolutely appalling that not one of those people stopped what was happening. I also find it ridiculous that a lot of these rape cases are swept under the rug because of the girls intoxicated state. If someone can’t walk, I do not believe they are fit to consent.

  2. Reading Comment: Being a member of a co-ed fraternity, and also knowledgeable of many NYC Fraternities, I disagree with this reading post a tad bit. I strongly believe that it is in fact individuals who bring shame to their organizations. All organizations are formed on positive grounds but of course people corrupt everything. As for alcohol and taking advantage of people... you don't have to be in the vicinity of frat boys to be highly influenced, there are many people at clubs ready, waiting to prey on unsuspecting young women, whose only aspiration was to enjoy her night. Being a female in a fraternity, our male brothers loyalty has been put to the test several times and I can personally say that they wish to do no psychical harm to any of us. Now your response would be that the brotherhood is what's keeping us together, so of course they wouldn't do it to us. But like I began it is the individual(s) who make an organization bad... for instance, the recent incident with the young man from Alpha Phi Delta who decided to beat and rob a women for absolutely no reason. Also many of these rape attacks definitely not positive but were most times used as hazing acts, but thank the good lord hazing is now illegal. Now I've just run off on a tangent.

  3. I wouldn't place all fraternities in such a bad light, but yes, these types of things go on. Raping women, or having sex with them without prior, sober consent, or not stopping if they say no despite previously giving consent is WRONG.

    However, as women, we have to stick together, hang out in groups and check on one another. We have to protect ourselves, together. The girl who was raped and had that high BAC, where were her friends? Who stood in the gap when a guy tried to take her somewhere?

    In these heinous attacks on women, the perpetrator(s) is/are responsible. But if we take that extra time to check on our fellow women, maybe we can help prevent some of these atrocities.

    I've made a pact early on with my friends that if we leave together, we come back together. This has stuck over the years. I once walked around for a full half hour looking for a friend I came with because I knew she met a guy and I wasn't leaving without her. We have to have eachother's backs. As grown-up as we may be, we still can't trust strangers. Heck, we can't even trust casual acquaintances. It's wrong and upsetting, but taking some time to check on the girl you see stumbling around alone at that party, may save her.

  4. I would have to disagree with the two above, comments. The "brotherhood" that frats claim are just a front that they convey as an excuse to live off campus, throw parties, and take advantage of women. If men were truly bonded by a philanthropy, why do they receive special compensation, like living off campus, to make up for their "good deeds?" It is a sad fact, but one cannot expect a group of men to live together peacefully, without the influence of alcohol and drugs. That may sound like a stereotype, but it is one that certain men (boys) have created for themselves through this "bond of brotherhood." The horror stories of rape and assault by frat boys are enacted every single day. I personally have been at a school where frats are notorious for raping women. Not only that, but I have heard countless stories from other schools regarding their lack of respect for women, and their common cause, which, in reality, is getting drunk and defiling college girls. Yes, it is the action of an individual that gives an organization a bad name, but why then are MULTIPLE individuals of a frat carrying out such disgusting acts? That, then, speaks on behalf of frats as a whole.


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