
Meet The New Natural New Barbie

As a Child growing up I have always played with barbie dolls up until about age 13 when i reached adolescence. Coming across this article today http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/meet-the-new-natural-barbie-173422198.html made me giggle a bit, more because I had seen so many different types of barbies and they all have been very beautiful and so called perfect. Now that the natural barbie has been released you notice she has eye wrinkles, bags under her eyes, freckles, frizzy hair, acne and even braces, they have made her look horrendous. However, all respect to the effort of the makers but to me now we can build on another controversy  of " the natural beauty cover up" because they have made the make-less barbie look sick as if she had a rough night parting or better yet they have set such a ugly look on her stating that she must wear make up in order to hide real identity under pounds of make up. Its also a bit funny how society tells women they must wear make up to look beautiful or go to to the dermatologist and all to come out with the barbie that has this outcome for consuming these products. I cant possibly understand why do they keep trying to make an effort and pretty much still manage to ruin the picture for girls. But what I do understand is that technically barbie is suppose to be 50 years old by now and looks this crazy yet not all women in their 50's age as badly as barbie; some older woman still have some great floss; they don't need to necessarily look unappealing without make up and sexy clothing. Also how can you possibly hide braces ? did barbie get them removed does she have removable ones ? the whole thing is just so silly, and they have really ruined the fun out of playing with barbie dolls.. I mean whats next ? Ken ? is he going to be all grey with facial hair ?


  1. I think this is a very interesting post and thank you for sharing it, @Peachnlove1. You make an intriguing point about this natural Barbie as a tool to forward the agenda of the makeup industry because this doll is made to appear so unattractive. But I want to point out that isn't this what most of us look like after a certain age? What if we didn't conceive of Barbie's new look as unattractive? Rather, what if described her new look as not only natural, but real AND beautiful? Instead of trying to put on makeup to look like the old Barbie's whose face is permanently stuck at 17, what if we just said these smile lines, etc. show character?

    As a comparison, consider male actors such as George Clooney (at age 51) vs. female actors in the same age group-- Vanessa Williams (age 50) and Michelle Pfeiffer (age 54) to name just two. What are the differences between what these actors emphasize, roles they play, etc.?

  2. I think this is very interesting. I had not seen this new Barbie and I had not heard about it either. I personally did not play with Barbies, but I did have many that I still have and they are still in their boxes. I just liked to look at them because they are so pretty. The majority of the Barbies I have are limited edition ones that are extra pretty or have special themes to them, but if I would have seen this when I was younger, I think I would have been scared. This Barbie is not very pleasing to look at and I agree with your point about it insinuating that women need to wear make-up to look pretty. I know I definitely feel very very weird with no makeup on. I rarely leave the house without it and seeing a Barbie like this is not very nice. I understand that I guess they should make a real-life Barbie to show how we feel with no makeup on and had a rough day, but I think Barbies should be made to look pretty. A little girl wants a Barbie that they think is really pretty and that they like. I don't agree that the Barbie should be as off point with the way she is made up (how skinny she is, tall, and perfect), but I also don't agree she should be this ugly.


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