
beauty segment from Katie Couric's show

I happened to catch this one day and thought it might spark some conversation. What do you think?


  1. Sadly, I was not surprised by the points brought up in this video. I feel that beauty is something valued too much in our society and it has always been that way. If you look at women in history, you see that they often made sacrifices to be beautiful and even put themselves in physical pain in order to become "ideal." In the past, women wore corsets that would sometimes break ribs and today, women look to plastic surgery to become who they think they should be. This idea of physical beauty always been encouraged and I feel that chances of it changing are bleak.

  2. I also agree with Samantha,I was not surprised by this clip. Everything stated and seen in this interview happens everyday in our society. From commercials to music videos we are told what is beautiful and what is acceptable as beautiful. Natural appearance is often seen as ugly but an artificial portray of your unnaturalness is seen as beautiful how odd is this world ?

  3. It is interesting to see how the people react to the two contrasting versions of this same person. Though it is understandable people would find the the women as she dressed up since she comes off as much more approachable and appealing. We must however keep in mind the setting in which this little experiment is being done. This looks like this is taking place in NYC, which is an urban environment. I would suggest that the covered up version of this women had a hard time getting help since you have to include the factor that people are highly protective on their own property in fear of getting robbed. If this was done in some where more rural I think the covered up version of this women would have gotten more help, though probably not as much as she would get while dressed up nicely.


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